Rock Wren - Salpinctes obsoletus

Troglodyte des rochers

Rock Wren
This is the Guadelupe Wren, which is usually considered to be a subspecies of the Rock Wren. I suspect that one day it will have full species status. The full scientific name is Salpinctes obsoletus guadeloupensis. It is endemic to Guadelupe Island, Mexico
  • Cucarachero roquero
  • cambaxirra-das-rochas
  • Felsenzaunkönig
  • Salpinctes obsoletus
  • Passeriformes

The species


Order  : Passériformes
Family : Troglodytidae
Species : Rock Wren

Geographic range by countries

specie's pictures

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The picture

O.Net ref. : bkma22367
Author :
