Festive Amazon - Amazona festiva

Amazone tavoua

Festive Amazon
sous-espèce dite amazone de Bodin
  • Amazona festiva sureña
  • papagaio-da-várzea
  • Blaubrauenamazone
  • Amazona festiva
  • Psittaciformes

The species


Order  : Psittaciformes
Family : Psittacidae
Species : Festive Amazon

Geographic range by countries

specie's pictures

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The picture

O.Net ref. : josm79311
Author :


Country : Guyana (gy)
Region : Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo Region
Place : Quata River Quata River
Lat. : 2° 2' 59'' North
Lng. : 59° 4' 17'' West