Blue-headed Macaw - Primolius couloni

Ara de Coulon

Blue-headed Macaw
A medium-sized lowland Amazonian macaw, which was classified as endangered, but recent research indicates that its situation is much more favourable and recommends a re-classification. It breeds very well in the LPF breeding centre, from two pairs sent to the LPF by the CITES authorities of the Czech Republic.
C'est un ara de taille moyenne des plaines Amazoniennes qui est classé comme étant en danger d'extinction, mais des recherches récentes indiquent que sa situation est à présent plus favorable et recommandent une nouvelle classification. Il se reproduit très bien au centre de reproduction de la LPF, à partir de deux couples envoyés par le CITES authorities of the Czech Republic.

  • Guacamayo cabeciazul
  • maracanã-de-cabeça-azul
  • Blaukopfara
  • Primolius couloni
  • Psittaciformes

The species


Order  : Psittaciformes
Family : Psittacidae
Species : Blue-headed Macaw

Geographic range by countries

specie's pictures

all the pictures

The picture

O.Net ref. : lpfu46328
Author :
Loro Parque Fundación


date : 2008
Country : Spain (sp)
Region : Canary Islands
Place : Loro parque - Punta Brava - Puerto de la Cruz - Tenerife Loro parque - Punta Brava - Puerto de la Cruz - Tenerife
Lat. : 28° 24' 48'' North
Lng. : 16° 33' 30'' West