Faucon d'Éléonore1ère année
Two young falcons playing in the updraft of the sea cliffs at Cabo de Formentor. In late October the hunting is very easy as large numbers of tired passerines are migrating through the Balearics on their way back to Africa. By late October most of the adult Eleonora's Falcons have left the breeding cliffs. These birds winter in Eastern Southern Africa especially in Madagascar. Eleonora was the Sardinian heroine, Giudicessa Eleonora d'Arborea (1350 - 1404), who fought for independence from Aragon and made laws protecting nesting birds of prey, she lives on in the spirit of this elegant falcon.
  • 1ère année
  • Halcón de Eleonora
  • falcão-da-rainha
  • Eleonorenfalke
  • Falco eleonorae
  • Falconiformes



Ordre : Falconiformes
Famille : Falconidés
Espèce : Faucon d'Éléonore

Répartition par pays

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La photo

Réf. O.Net : stga49434
Auteur :
Plumage : 1ère année

Prise de vue

Date : oct 2004
Pays : Espagne (sp)
Région : Balearic Islands
Lieu : Cabo de Formentor Cabo de Formentor
Lat. : 39° 55' 41'' Nord
Lng. : 3° 8' 30'' Est

Données Exif [+] [-]

Modèle : Canon 1Ds

Vitesse : 1/1000s s

ouverture : f5.6

Focale : 500 mm

Iso : 200

Flash : non