Snowy Plover - Anarhynchus nivosus

Gravelot neigeux

Snowy Plover
The species is the Snowy Plover, whose Eurasian subspecies are known as the Kentish Plover (and are actually rather different). The Snowy/Kentish Plover is distributed in temperate and tropical climes in a band around the middle of the world, with the South American form, C. a. occidentalis, reaching southern Chile. In North America the Snowy Plover nests in the central part of the US., and along the coasts, from British Columbia south, and from the southern Atlantic seaboard south. It is considered to be somewhat at risk, to endangered, depending on where it occurs.
  • Chorlitejo nivoso
  • borrelho-níveo
  • Schneeregenpfeifer
  • Anarhynchus nivosus
  • Charadriiformes

The species


Order  : Charadriiformes
Family : Charadriidae
Species : Snowy Plover

Geographic range by countries

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The picture

O.Net ref. : bkma80075
Author :


Country : Canada (ca)
Region : Ontario
Place : Rivière Missinaibi Rivière Missinaibi
Lat. : 50° 43' 17'' North
Lng. : 81° 28' 18'' West